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Combined Clubs Meeting Bisley

11th/12th May

A record turnout of 78 entries shivered in a cold north westerly wind at 8.30 on the Saturday morning, with a promise of rain. Fishtailing winds were the order of the day, ranging from fairly benign at 1,000 yards to fiendish for the 1,100 yard shoot after lunch. Although the winds were strong their headwind nature lead to low wind settings until the angle opened, so a 6 minute wind bracket with zero in the middle and heaven help anyone who failed to notice the change of angle, one prominent Scottish shot recording magpies on both sides of the bull. The same conditions ran through the 1,200 yard shoot, which calmed down for the last detail. The overnight lead was held by Alex Cargill Thompson with 220.23 over Nick Tremlett on 219.18. Top Scot was Ron Scaglione in 5th place with 217.26. A special mention goes to Jon Sweet with a score of 216.29, which should have been 221.30 and won the Saturday Aggregate but for the v bull placed on the adjacent target.

Sunday dawned bright and warm, with lighter winds. 1,000 yards should have been a shoe in for a full house and was for many. Tim Kidner’s 75.14 with his spare rifle and Jon and Ron’s 75.12 showed the way. High scores continued for the 1,100 yards shoots, with what appeared to be a steady right wind occasionally replaced by left to trip the unwary. At 1,200 yards scores were again high but later in the day as the wind dropped mirage took over, going against the wind to confuse the unobservant.

In the end Ron Scaglione won the Scottish Eight Cup, from Jon Sweet and Tim Kidner. Zoe Woodroffe won the Ladies Powell Trophy and Fergus Flanagan was the winning Under 25. An excellent Combined Clubs Meeting ably run by the English Eight Club. Our thanks to them.


Results (


Fergus Flanagan wins the under 25s (again)
Half a minute right but with a vicious left hand mirage
Ron Scaglione receives the Scottish Eight Cup
You cannot be serious! Our Treasuer and VP at 1200yards
Zoe receiving the Powell Trophy