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The Elcho Shield - Match Rules

The first match was in 1862, and the rules are in essential unchanged to this day. England and Scotland were joined by Ireland in 1865, though Wales was unable to raise a team until 1991.

Each man of the team of Eight fires fifteen rounds at (originally) 800, 900 and 1000 yards. The distances have increased over the years and are now 1000, 1100 and 1200 yards.

No sighters are allowed, and on the day of the match and during its progress no competitor in the match shall fire with the match-rifle at any distance whatever except in the match, nor before its commencement shall he fire with any rifle at any distance longer than 600 yds, nor shall he use any rifle which has been fired on that day by any person at any distance longer than 600 yds.

Despite the stringent conditions and the long distances, members of the Eight now normally score around 215 ex 225 marks each.